Looking for applicants who are..
Ø Willing to learn new tasks
Ø Knowledgable or have experience in the position they are applying for
Ø Passion for sustainable and organic farming practices
Ø Can do manual labour
Ø Full time seasonal positions
Ø May to august
Ø Hours will be discussed at interview
Apply by March 1st by sending your resume to generationsmarketplacealc@gmail.com.
Field Worker
Some of the jobs you will be required to do
Plant gardens
Harvest produce
Wash produce
Cut grass
Clean Flower beds
Prepare ordered produce bins
Spread mulch
Animal Care Worker
Some of the jobs you will be required to do
Feed animals
Groom animals
Clean out pens
Mend and install fences as needed
Move animals to new grass as needed
Help with tours/prepare for tours
Collect eggs
Milk cows
Make sure all animals have access to clean water
Make raw dog food
Daily move chicken tractors
Kitchen Manager
run a small licensed kitchen
bake items as required
preserving produce
create meals
dealing with produce as it comes in kitchen
work in store front
must have food handlers certificate